delicious life.

July 11, 2010

1. 24°C
2. big hat, big sunglasses, sun dress.
3. actually wanting to go for a run.
4. nice long sunshiney run in the valley.
5. Pimm’s on the porch with the parents.

delicious life.

July 10, 2010

1. exquisite torture.
2. bellini breakfast.
3. a day of summer in the city.
4. wanderings.
5. home alone underwear hangout.

delicious life.

May 31, 2010

1. marathon catchup, tea, walk around town, dinner with the family, wine, movie, sleepover, breakfast, tea, with L. wow!
2. tea with P.
3. tea (and bison grass vodka straight from Poland – yum!) with K.
4. laughing and smiling until my cheeks hurt.
5. midnight tea with me.

delicious life.

May 29, 2010

1. Pimm’s in the afternoon (with a little extra gin)
2. jam making lessons from mom.
3. hearing my dad sing under his breath while working.
4. movie nights.
5. doing what’s best for me.

delicious life.

May 27, 2010

Oh yes, it’s true!

Weight lifted, smile renewed. Me, renewed. (At least for now, so go with it…)

Today became a most delicious of days, let me tell you all about it.
The phone glued to an ear, darling B on the other end, speaking so many shared truths, reminding me of the deepest truest part of my self.

I went to a florist for a single stem of white lilies and left them on K’s doorstep for when he got home. I wanted to say thanks. I know he’s the kind to understand “thanks” and not ask, “what for?”, and with him it’s always been white lilies.

An ice-cream adventure/kidnap with D who I am so privileged to have as a friend because he’s the world’s best hugger. I don’t mean to make light of other friends impeccable hugging abilities, so don’t be jealous that I love his the most. You can’t fight it, it’s true. World’s best. Be jealous only if he’s not your friend too!

We hmmed and hawwed over 198 flavours at, 198 Flavours (or as D reminds me, it’s really 218 but only 198 on rotation at any given time). I went weak in the knees when I tried the Basil Pernod. Not better than sex, but certainly preferable to average sex. And let’s not take that lightly either. If I could, I would mail pints of this stuff all over the country, to my most precious of friends. I was trying to match it with another perfect flavour, and then darling B called again and said “why don’t you just pick that one flavour and LOVE IT.” Saying LOVE like this oozy sexy enveloping thing that it is, sometimes. And so I did, but I only got one scoop. Remember for next time – always two scoops. Always.

From there it was on to coffee with B, which was really vanilla steamed milks, and a big long catch up. I now actually know where he lives and what his work is, for the first time in months, and it felt so nice to know. I really missed him…

I picked up cupcakes for T and drove them to his house with a note saying “you love cake. I love you.” Mint chocolate, Caramello, Lemon Drop, and Blue Hawaii. I asked for concise but conclusive reviews of all the flavours, within a day or so.

I looked through A’s book collection, what is left of it, and immediately snapped up his copy of Gogol’s Diary of a Madman. It has the story The Nose in it, which I remembered instantly was one we’d talked endlessly about. He kept offering to lend me the book but we kept missing each other at the house so I finally took it out at the library. It feels good to have a little piece, something to hold on to. (Thank you, T, for letting me keep it. I’ll always treasure it.)

And so, in order to stay true to form (though so hard to chose only 5 today), here they are:
1. basil pernod gelato
2. singing show tunes in the car at the top of my lungs
3. the best hugs in the world
4. The Nose
5. recognizing myself again/being ok.
and because today was important for so many reasons:
6. letting go.

une mille feuilles tombent, et je me réveille.

delicious life.

May 26, 2010

1. strawberries in krema.
2. belly laughs over the phone.
3. kissing my mom on the cheek.
4. a clean room.
5. finding old treasures and adding them to my bail-box.

“Will I ever laugh again? I’m serious…”
“Yes. When something is really really funny.”

I’m so glad that funny thing was you and the ducks, B.

delicious life.

May 3, 2010

Maybe delicious is the wrong word given the latest life has thrown down, but I still strive to see the beauty.

1. (finally) getting some sleep.
2. sunshine.
3. sisters.
4. a big house full of love and laughter and family.
5. knowing that I am surrounded by friends for whom I would do and give anything, and feeling their love for me in exactly the same way.

delicious life.

April 25, 2010

1. waking up in my own bed.
2. feeling so excited and so grateful to be home.
3. mom running across the street to stop the ice cream truck.
4. early grey infused chocolate.
5. really really really exciting news, to be revealed shortly.

delicious life.

March 27, 2010

It feels both incredibly selfish, and incredibly important to write this, today. (see previous post) I hope you understand.

2. new books arriving in the mail.
3. a reassuring voice on the end of a long distance phone call.
4. quiet walks by the river.
5. finding the strength-opening up-taking a chance.

delicious life.

March 12, 2010

1. lazy mornings tangled in the sheets.
2. trading music on usb sticks.
3. whiffs of boys-that-smell-good in the produce aisle.
4. the prospect of driving around town dropping off home baked treats to my best friends.
5. staying up late on a friday night waiting for the mango spice bread to finish baking.

delicious life.

March 8, 2010

1. best friend’s return from the southern continent.
2. burlesque shows and BFFs.
3. doing the twist.
4. friends with coffee first thing in the morning.
5. bus stop sunshine naps.

delicious life.

March 6, 2010

1. crabs and mallets in the kitchen with mom and dad
2. pho lunch date with a gorgeous new friend.
3. daffodils.
4. the avett brothers, and songs that play like driving off into the sunset.
5. contemplating staying.

delicious life.

March 4, 2010

1. ice cream at every oppourtunity.
2. hopping-dancing-crazies.
3. the insurmountable urge to chase and catch seagulls.
4. long drives in the sunshine.
5. the reinforcement of love that comes with a friend knowing you too well and calling you out on all your flaws (or, all my phone calls with T).

delicious life.

February 21, 2010

1. reunions with friends I haven’t seen in 4 years.
2. fireworks.
3. long exposures.
4. loud cheering face painted red and white national pride parading down the streets.
5. noah and the whale.

delicious life.

February 18, 2010

1. bluebird 15 degree days in February.
2. everyone being so stoked on ziplining even after waiting for 6 or more hours in the line-up!
3. high fives with strangers.
4. long lost friends coming by for a zip.
5. another amazing day working with amazing people for an amazing company!

delicious life.

February 9, 2010

1. vanilla steamed milk.
2. slow drives to nowehere, alone.
3. remembering that you can always “get away” even for a few minutes.
4. glow stars on the ceiling.
5. finding things to be greatful for even on days when you’re sure there’s nothing.

delicious life.

February 7, 2010

1. getting all dressed up.
2. birthday roses.
3. birthday books.
4. birthday naps.
5. flip flops, ice cream, and walks on the beach in february.

and one extra because this weekend was extra special:

6. spending my birthday with all my favourite people!

delicious life.

January 20, 2010

1. learned how to skate-ski with a lame wrist and no poles.
2. private ski lesson with hunky Swedish instructor.
3. got the job I was hoping for during February!
4. delicious quinoa veggie stir fry with feta.
5. flipped my veggies in the pan for the first time and landed it, again and again!

delicious life.

January 18, 2010

1. turning around.
2. grocery shopping dates.
3. warm, windy, silent walks at 5am.
4. working my ass off at my nordic ski class.
5. soup in thermos.

delicious life.

January 8, 2010

Good things that happened, despite laying on the couch watching tv and being all germy today:

1. sleep in!
2. got called for an interview for a job I’m really excited about. The position is during the Olympics, but not for the Olympics so it sits well with my values.
3. making bacon wrapped scallops and butternut squash soup for dinner, yum yum!
4. sticking with my gluten-free and ethical meat diet restrictions – so far so good.
5. feeling better than I did yesterday and hoping that the sickies are on their way out.

Also in the last 3 days I’ve found out about 2 friend’s engagements, 1 friend’s top secret amazing news, and have reconnected with a friend that I drifted away from about 3 years ago but have never forgotten. I couldn’t be happier or feel more blessed by all of these wonderful events!

In other news, having my best friend’s birthday fall exactly one month before mine is always a good kick-start for resolutions and party planning. Today I started to brainstorm for my “things to do while I’m 24” list, and have made it a goal to not bite my nails before my birthday so I can buy some cute nail polish and have pretty nails to go with a pretty party dress for my birthday! I know it’s super girly, but I have been biting my nails since I got my first teeth, so it’s about time.

I have not neglected my photo taking for the last couple of days, just seem to have misplaced my card reader! I’ll upload them as soon as I can.