
March 27, 2010

So…I was on the ferry by myself. Up on the deck, you know, leaning back against the railing. Hair blowing in the breeze. And- and well I was day dreaming you standing next to me, taking photographs. Making me look like an old hollywood starlet. Scarves and big sunglasses. Anyway the thing is, is that I started writing you a little letter right then and there. And it’s a bit of a love letter. And well, I’d like you to read it.

Ooh but the thing is, you see, you have to promise not to get freaked out. You know like, don’t take it too seriously. You promise? Ok because the thing is, is that I just really really like writing letters, I love writing letters. And the truth is that the things I wanna say to you, well, they might be a little mushier than the things I would to write to…a friend. You know? So…a little mush. I wrote you a little love letter. So what? Right? I mean…ok well you promised so…no getting all freaked out.

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