the blog.

January 1, 2010

It started with the idea of documenting the year with one photo for every day. I bought a beautiful journal in which to paste each photo, with enough room around the edges to write a quick thought about the day or the subject of the photo. I told a few people about it and interest spread, others wanted to see my daily photos too.

Then I thought I’d throw in some writing too. Musings, ramblings, nothing too day-to-day, but enough to re-read later and remember what was happening in my life during this time. This blog was created as a collective place for those needs.

My hope is that I will keep up with my ‘2010 in 365’ project and find inspiration in it. I hope that it will encourage me to take better photographs, and to look at my world in a different way.

As well, I would like to recognize the things that make my life special, and to show gratitude to the forces at work behind such things. I believe I am extremely blessed  and can find pleasures, both simple and great, in every day. I believe that by recognizing and giving thanks for everything I experience, I will be replenished with love in everything that I do.

I welcome your comments, thoughts, or ramblings on a restaurant napkin.
Please do say hello when you stop by.

And if you have any suggestions or assignments for things to photograph, bring them on!

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